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Callibration gratings TGZ

Sets of AFM callibration gratings

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Sets of callibration gratings for complex callibration of AFM microscope.


Gratings TGZ1 (step height 20 ±1,5 nm), TGZ2 (step height 110 ±2 nm)a TGZ3 (step height 520 ±3 nm)


Gratings TGZ1 (step height 20 ±1,5 nm), TGZ2 (step height 110 ±2 nm)a TGZ3 (step height 520 ±3 nm),

TGX1 pro for lateral scanner callibration, nonlinearity detection and tip sharpness determination,

TGG1 for X and Y axes callibration, detection of lateral or vertical scanner nonlinearity and characterization of tip sharpness,

TGT1 to determine shape and sharpness of the tip, image deconvolution and tip contamination controll.


Gratings TGZ1 (step height 20 ±1,5 nm), TGZ2 (step height 110 ±2 nm)a TGZ3 (step height 520 ±3 nm),

TGX1 pro for lateral scanner callibration, nonlinearity detection and tip sharpness determination,

TGG1 for X and Y axes callibration, detection of lateral or vertical scanner nonlinearity and characterization of tip sharpness,

TGT1 to determine shape and sharpness of the tip, image deconvolution and tip contamination controll.

TGQ1 for simultaneous callibration of axes X,Y and Z. Step height 20 ±1,5 nm,

TDG01 for submicron AFM callibration in X and Y axes, period 278 nm.

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